Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Move to Portland

Driving into Portland. You can see OHSU up on the hill overlooking downtown. That's where Taran's gonna be spending the next two years of his life in PA school. Taran wanted me to blog about how proud I am of him embarking on this new adventure. haha. I do love that guy though and really am so proud of him. Couldn't ask for a better husband.
Portland Waterfront

Downtown Portland. It's this huge city in the middle of the forest. I am loving all the green!!

The Portland Temple. So Beautiful!! and only 10 minutes away from our apartment!! What a blessing.

This is our apartment complex. We love our new home and are so grateful for all the new friends we've been able to make here. Thanks to Mom and Dad Hansen for helping us with the move. It would've been impossible without your help. We miss you!!
As soon as I get the house all decorated like I want it, I'll post some pics of the interior.


  1. loving the pics...keep them coming! it looks so pretty, i love the green too. your apt is so cute, can't wait to see more interior pics, loved it already from skype. way to go taran on embarking on your new adventure and to michelle for tagging along and making your own! love you guys! keep posting, i'll be checking...

  2. Good job! You posted! now just keep it up! and I am so jealous... That one picture has more trees than Phoenix combined. What were we thinking... We could have been neighbors?!? Oh well... We'll be up to visit!

  3. Love what you've done here! The posts look superb! And what a fun glimpes of your new city. Although we'll probably never make it there its fun that i'll get to experience it through your blog. And a big CONGRATS to you and Taran both. What an awesome accomplishment to both have your Bachelors degree and to do it together. Keep up the posting...it makes me feel closer to you guys even when we're far apart!! Love you guys!

    p.s. hows the new sewing machine???!!!

  4. You actually blogged!!!! Haha, Just kidding, looks like things are going great. we miss both of you. hope all is well.

  5. Cute Blog! Glad you moved here!! Here's our blog: http://steveanddaniellejackson.blogspot.com/

    I hope you finally got your fan light to work!

  6. Hey, my cute sista! I'm so glad I can keep in touch with you like this! It looks so beautiful out there!!! I hope you & Taran take advantage of this 'adventure' & make the most of it! I'm kinda jelly! You two will grow so much as you work to achieve your dreams! I'm so proud of you guys! Take care & I love you the mostest!

  7. Hey, my little bitty cousin. Good luck in Portland. I'll follow your blog, if you follow mine :)http://bumblebabyblog.blogspot.com/

  8. Hey! This is Burke's sister, Kate. My husband and I seriously looking into Portland for school as well (Mortuary Science program) I hear the job market is terrible! Would you agree? I'd love to "chat" with you guys about how you like living there and what neighborhood you guys live in!

    You can email me.. k8bess@gmail.com or we can chat back and forth through blogging. Whatever works. Thanks!!

    Kate Bess Bueler.
